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Work Package Activities  › WP 1 : Analysis of the available time series data and of in-situ samples from the Marnaut cruise
WP 1 : Analysis of the available time series data and of in-situ samples from the Marnaut cruise
Responsible Partners: CNRS, ITU, IFREMER, ISMAR

Autonomous instruments were deployed during the MarNaut cruise, in june 2007 :

4 OBSs and 1 piezometer were deployed for 3 months in the Tekirdag Basin near the cold seep site named « Jack the Smoker ». These instruments were successfully recovered on september 12th, 2007, providing an unique recording of fluid flow and seismicity near the fault zone. A Ph. D. thesis (funded by national resources) will start in october 2007 to analyze these data.

7 flowmeters / osmosamplers were deployed (P. I. Michael Tryon) by Nautile at 3 different sites for a duration of 1 year : 3 near site « Jack the Smoker » ; 2 below the escarpment on the northeast Cinarcik basin margin in an area of widespread diffuse fluid flow ; 2 on the Western High, where a seep site with bubbling vents and oil was found. These equipment will be recovered in May 2008 and be analyzed under the responsibility of Michael Tryon, at Scripps Institution of Oceanography.

The MarNaut cruise also allowed the acquisition of a multi-disciplinary dataset including more than 35 sediment cores, rock and fluid samples, 3 heat flow transects across the Tekirdag, the Central and the Cinarcik basins and acoustic data using the standard SIMRADEK60 38 kHz sonar system. Part of these data is currently being processed by the partner institutions, but additional support for post-doc time is needed from Esonet-DM to integrate the whole dataset. Support is also required for travelling (from Europe to Scripps) to help integrate the flowmeter/osmometer data.